Monday, February 22, 2010

World War I Casualties

1. Russia and Germany sent a lot of troops because they had really good transportation (more trains and maybe better and more efficient trains).

2. Austria-Hungary's high casualty rate could be from dying in battle (gunshots, bombardations, getting run over by a tank [I doubt this happened], etc...). There were a lot of sicknesses, so they could have died by being really sick. Since they were pretty small, they could easily be conquered by Russia.

3. This information about 2.5 Russian prisoners say that not many Russians want to die in the trenches and perhaps they are cowards.

4. Because of isolationism, the United States had time to train more troops and make more weapons for upcoming wars. That's a reason why Italy had only about a million more men than the US.

5. The Allies won the war probably because they were lucky and their armies were more accurate at shooting than the Central Powers' armies.

6. This chart tells me that this is the first war in which millions of people die, not thousands. I am surprised at the fact that the Central Powers had more troops than the Allies and that Russia had more casualties than Germany.

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