Saturday, December 12, 2009

White Man's Burden Questions

OK, Mr. Lemons, here are my answers to the White Man's Burden questions?

1. What does Kipling mean by "the White Man's burden"?

He means that "the White Man's burden" is a European's attempt to convert natives to "the dominant religion" (Christianity).

2. How does Kipling justify imperialism?

He justifies imperialism by stating in his poem that it is a good thingand it could benefit a lot of people.

3. Why might justification be so appealing?

It is very appealing because countries tend to want more power, so they colonized anything that's supposedly non-European to gain more land, resources and more power.

4. Why was religion used as a justification over money, capitalism, the greater good and political strength?

It was used for those stuff because religion probably helped the rise of imperialism.

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